Nonlinear Network Dynamics
The dynamics of many complex systems are naturally modeled by networks of coupled nonlinear elements, elucidating emergent phenomena such as synchronization, percolation, and cascades.
Quantum Network Science
The prospect of a future quantum Internet leads to an array of new network science problems, including entanglement distribution and manipulation protocols for quantum communication.

Biophysical Network Systems
Systems biophysics at the molecular, cellular, and ecological scale benefit from network modeling involving temporal, multilayer, and higher-order interactions.
Network Design, Control, and Optimization
Microfluidic networks, coupled lasers, smart grids, and metamaterials are just some of the many systems being transformed by scalable approaches for network design, control, and optimization.

Network Inference, Machine Learning, and AI
Network data science generates exciting opportunities for data-driven discovery, leading to impactful biomedical applications and inspiring research on natural and artificial intelligence.