István Kovács receives prestigious CAREER Award
Professor István Kovács has received an NSF CAREER award to develop statistical physics models for three-factor network interactions. His research seeks to bridge structure and function across a wide range of complex systems, from systems biology to quantum physics. With this award, “Network-based Inference of Complex Biological Interactions,” he will apply the new techniques to biological systems.
Designing resilient quantum networks
A recent study by Xiangyi Meng, Bingjie Hao, Balázs Ráth, and István A. Kovács shows how adding connections between quantum nodes can mitigate network failures and improve reliability, facilitating the future implementation of quantum networks.

Breakthrough in quantum communication
Professor Prem Kumar and collaborators have shown that quantum teleportation can work using already existing Internet cables. This suggests that secure quantum communication could be possible on today’s networks.
From a Point to a Torus: Unveiling Emergent Dynamics with Higher-order Bifurcations
In a recent SIAM News article, Nicolaou and Motter discuss the role of higher-order bifurcations in giving rise to emergent collective dynamics such as time crystals whose response frequency is incommensurable with the driving frequency.

Bacterial cells transmit memories to offspring
In new research, researchers from CND in collaboration with the University of Texas-Southwestern demonstrated that bacteria can transmit nongenetic traits to offspring inheriting their regulatory network state.
Jens Koch named APS Fellow
Physics and Astronomy Professor Jens Koch was recently named a 2023 Fellow by the American Physical Society. This honor recognizes his work “providing theoretical and numerical frameworks for modern superconducting qubits, as well as pioneering contributions to circuit quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics.”

Todd Gingrich receives prestigious CAREER Award
Congratulations to CND affiliated faculty member Todd Gingrich! From the Weinberg College News Center: “Gingrich is an assistant professor of chemistry in Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. He will receive $650,000 over five years from NSF’s Chemical Theory, Models, and Computational Methods Program in the Division of Chemistry.”Transfer learning paves the way for new disease treatments
In a new study, CND developed an AI-powered transfer learning approach that repurposes publicly available data to predict combinations of gene perturbations that can transform cell type or restore diseased cells to health.