The workshop will bring together a diverse group of experts in complementary areas of neuroscience, network science, and unconventional computing. The speakers will present on recent research and participate in discussions about approaches to understanding the structure of brain networks, brain-inspired mechanisms for computation, and future directions likely to lead to transformative research.
The topics include structural and functional brain networks, brain computation and plasticity, approaches for network inference and analysis, the role of network heterogeneity in information processing and computation, optimization approaches for machine learning, scalable control approaches for network systems, and emerging specialized computing platforms.
Invited Speakers
Michelle Girvan
University of Maryland, College Park
Ann Kennedy
Northwestern University
Istvan Kiss
Saint Louis University
Arthur Montanari
Northwestern University
Jorge Nocedal
Northwestern University
Nikhil Shukla
University of Virginia
Olaf Sporns
Indiana University, Bloomington
Miles Stoudenmire
Flatiron Institute
Zoltán Toroczkai
University of Notre Dame
Logan Wright
Yale University
Date & Venue
The event will take place Monday, May 20, 2024, from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm at the James L Allen Center in the Evanston campus of Northwestern University.
Street address: 2169 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208.
Registration is now closed.